microblading + Shading
Місrоblаdіng is a semi-реrmаnеnt mаkеuр application thаt рrоvіdеs раrtіаl оr full coverage of mіssіng еуеbrоws to balance the face and enhance your natural beauty. We believe in using products that are clean and natural, so our formula is made of organic pigment that is safe for most skin types.
lip blush
Your smile is one of the first features someone will notice upon meeting you. Using a natural formula of pigment, our technicians will enhance your smile by creating symmetry and balancing color that best suit your features.
‘S’ Lip neutralization
Lip neutralization is a semi-реrmаnеnt mаkеuр application designed for those with cool or dark-toned lips. During this process lip color is corrected and neutralized to provide an even, pink color throughout the lips. Led by Grand Master Trainer , Kenneth Santana, Samantha is one of only two artists in Michigan trained and certified in ‘S’ Lip technique. We believe in using products that are clean and natural, so our formula is made of organic pigment that is safe for most skin types.
Aftercare Instructions
After your appointment, it’s important to follow the below instructions and tips to get the most out of your gorgeous brows.
After the procedure, gently blot the area with a clean tissue every 30 minutes until any oozing has stopped.
Apply thin layer of ointment 3 times/day for 7 days
Take lots of selfies 🙂
No water, steam, sauna, or swimming for
10 days
Do not put makeup on tattoo area for
10 days
No heavy sweaty exercise for 1 week
Avoid the SUN for 10 days
Healing Process
Good aftercare determines how good the end result will look
At first, your brows will appear more bold than usual over the next few days. After your procedure, your brows may darken, This is totally normal, around 7-14 days, you may notice some flaking/shedding of the skin near the brow area. When the skin flakes off, many times the pigment may disappear! This is NORMAL! This is because there is still a thick layer of protective skin creating a veil over the pigment.
Once you go through a skin regrowth cycle (4-6 weeks) the pigment will typically reappear but will be about 30-50 % lighter and will shrink 25% smaller than it was immediately after the procedure. That’s why a Touch up session is recommended to PERFECT your brows.

Day 1

Day 2 - 4
Brows may darken the first few days, this is NORMAL and temporary

Day 4 - 7
Brows may start to scab and itch, but DON’T pick

Day 8 - 10
Brows will be light, but this is completely NORMAL

Day 14 - 28
Color is back! Time to schedule your touchup session

after touchup
You trusted the process, your brows are perfection, Darling!
care Instructions
Two weeks prior to your appointment, it’s important to follow the below instructions and tips to get the most out of your luscious lips.
preCare Instructions
one month prior to treatment
No peels or acid treatments
Two weeks prior to treatment
Before your blushing or ‘S’ lip appointment, apply a mixture of the following every other day to ensure your lips are exfoliated and free of dry, flaking skin:
- Brown sugar
- Honey
- Lemon
Apply Aquaphor to your lips every other day alternating with exfoliation.
No sun exposure
No facials
Post Care Instructions
Immediately following the procedure, lips will feel dry, chapped, tight and tender to the touch. They may appear swollen and bright in color.
For 4 hours after treatment, apply light pressure on lips with a clean paper towel, to remove any lymph. After 4 hours, start applying ointment (Aquaphor) as needed to keep lips constantly moist
No kissing, rubbing or friction on treatment area
DAY 1-3
Apply ointment on lips several times a day. Keep lips moist at all times. Avoid oily, spicy and heavily seasoned food and drink with a straw. After every meal gently rinse and clean lips with water and pat dry, then re-apply ointment.
DAYS 4-7
Between these days, lips will begin and end the process of peeling, and color will lighten by 30%-50%.
Do not pick or rub your lips and let the peeling happen naturally. Continue keeping your lips moist!
Lips are done peeling, color is light. You may return to normal routines. Lips will continue to heal, up to 6 weeks. Every week more color will surface, it is important to continue keeping lips moist to get the best color at the end of the healing phase.
WEEK 6-8
Your lips are healed and you’re feeling unstoppable!!! Just add some lip gloss and go! In most cases it requires two treatments to complete the lip transformation.
The following must be avoided during all 14 days post treatment:
- Increased sweating
- Practicing sports
- Swimming
- Hot sauna, hot bath, or Jacuzzi
- Sun tanning or salon tanning
- Exposure to UV/UVA rays or chemicals as they have been known to cause a shift in color and premature fading
- Any laser or chemical treatments or peelings, and/or any creams containing Retin-A or Glycolic acid on the treatment area
- Touching of the treatment area except for when applying the post-care ointment with a cotton swab
- Picking, peeling, or scratching of the treatment area in order to avoid scarring of the area or removal of the pigment
- Performing tasks related to heavy household cleaning such as garage or basement cleaning where there is a lot of airborne debris
- Drinking alcohol in excess, as it may lead to slow healing of wounds
- Driving in open air vehicles such as convertibles, boats, bicycles, or motorcycles
- Drinking alcohol in excess, as it may lead to slow healing of wounds
If you have any unexpected problems with the healing of the skin, please contact Hello Darling Beauty Bar immediately, to discuss further instructions.
Contact a physician if any signs or symptoms develop such as the following: fever, redness at the site, swelling, tenderness of the procedure site, elevated body temperature, red streaks going from the procedure site towards the heart, and/or any green/yellow discharge that is foul in odor.